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An exhibition of paintings based on T.S. Eliot's poem

Arddangosfa o peintiadau yn seiliedig ar gerdd T.S. Eliot

Exhibition Dates
04/05/19 - 01/06/19

Lower Gallery

The Four Quartets are four poems, each with five movements. Eliot sought to reflect the variety of form and texture found in a string quartet.

The four poems are: Burnt Norton, East Coken, The Dry Salvages and Little Gidding. T.S. Eliot had a personal connection to all these places. Throughout the poems he discusses the nature of time and man's relationship to it. He related each poem to the four elements of Air, Earth, Water and Fire.

Pedair cerdd yw'r Pedwar Cwartet, pob un â phum symudiad. Ceisiodd Eliot adlewyrchu'r amrywiaeth o ffurf o gwaed o geir yn pedwarawd llinynnol.

Y pedair cerdd yw: Burnt Norton, East Coken, The Dry Salvages a Little Gidding. Roedd gan T.S. Eliot gysylltiad personol gyda't lleoedd hyn. Drwy gydol y cerddi hyn, mae'n trafod natur yr amser a pherthynas dyn â hi. Roedd yn perthyn i bob cerdd i bedwar elfen yr Awyr, y Ddaear, Y Dŵr a'r Tân.

500 Philippa Jacobs RCA Burnt Norton poem of Air oil on canvas 2000
Phillipa Jacobs RCA East Coker poem of Earth oil on canvas 2000
Phillipa Jacobs RCA Little Gidding a poem of Fire oil on canvas 2000
Phillipa Jacobs RCA The Dry Salvages a poem of Water oil on canvas 2000
Phillipa Jacobs RCA a oil on canvas 150
Phillipa Jacobs RCA b oil on canvas 150
Phillipa Jacobs RCA b 2 oil on canvas 150
Phillipa Jacobs RCA e oil on canvas 150
Phillipa Jacobs RCA f oil on canvas 150
Phillipa Jacobs RCA P1050165 oil on canvas 150
Phillipa Jacobs RCA P1050172 oil on canvas 150
Phillipa Jacobs RCA P1050174 oil on canvas 150

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