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Join us for a fun creative summer and explore drawing, kinetic art, cyanotype printing, 3D model building, mosaic and clay.

Event Dates
24/07/24 - 28/08/24

The Royal Cambrian Academy of Art, Conwy, North Wales

Children's Summer Art school 2024

Join us for a fun creative summer and explore drawing, kinetic art, cyanotype printing, 3D model building, mosaic and clay.

Age: Classes are suitable for 7-12 year old children

Fees: £90 for 6 sessions (morning or afternoon block of 6 sessions) or £18 for 1 session (2 hours)

Booking essential

Event Dates:

  • Wednesday 24th July | Lines of imagination with Mike Murray
  • Wednesday 31st July | Recycled ocean creatures with Ali Pickard
  • Wednesday 7th August | Cyanotype photographic printing with Mary Thomas
  • Wednesday 14th August | Mosaic with Mel Roberts
  • Wednesday 21st August | Sculpting with recyclable materials with Nerissa Cargill Thompson
  • Wednesday 28th August | Making animals in clay with Jo Duncalf

Sessions: morning 10.30am-12.30pm or afternoon 1.30pm-3.30pm

Location: The Royal Cambrian Academy, Conwy

Please wear suitable clothes, we recommend wearing an apron or an old t-shirt

To book and for more information call 01492 593413 or email

24th July 2024 | 10.30am-12.30pm or 1.30pm-3.30

Lines of imagination with Mike Murray


Line Safari: children will go on a ‘line safari’ around the RCA to discover and photograph different types of lines they find in their environment.

Emotion Lines: participants will express different emotions (happiness, sadness, excitement, etc.) using only lines on paper!


Story Lines: in this activity, children will create a simple narrative using a continuous line without lifting their drawing tool from the paper.

Collaborative Line Mural: the group will work together to create a large mural, with each child contributing their unique line work to the collective piece.

31st July 2024 | 10.30am-12.30pm or 1.30pm-3.30

Recycled ocean creatures with Ali Pickard


Recycled Moving Ocean Creatures: learn some paper engineering with recycled materials and add your imagination to make your own colourful ocean flexible fish, then use the techniques to invent your own amazing, recycled ocean creature.


A Story A Story! Come and design your own storyteller figure. Bring your imagination to make your own curious art figure from recycled materials.

7th August 2024 | 10.30am-12.30pm or 1.30pm-3.30

Cyanotype photographic printing with Mary Thomas

Children will experiment with camera-less photography, cyanotypes and lumen processes in this exciting workshop that uses Sun power/UV to create photographs using items from nature and negatives. Children will be using a process discovered in 1842, one of the first forms of photography!


Developing photos without using a camera on watercolour and tea bag paper. Children will make and use stencils and use leaves/flowers and negatives.


Developing photos without using a camera on fabric and watercolour paper. Children will use found objects and negatives to create images.

14th August 2024 | 10.30am-12.30pm or 1.30pm-3.30

Mosaic with Mel Roberts


Make a Roman Mosaic: learn about how the Romans made mosaic and make your own simple pattern mosaic using tiles.


Make a 3D picture on slate: design your own image and create it using everyday materials including broken crockery and buttons.

Grouting will be demonstrated in both sessions.

21st August 2024 | 10.30am-12.30pm or 1.30pm-3.30

Sculpting with recyclable materials with Nerissa Cargill Thompson


Sculpting flowers with plastic bottles: turn your litter into a potted flower or garden ornament using old drinks bottles and other recycled materials.


Fusing soft plastics: turn soft plastic packing into pictures, pots, pouches or even jewellery.

28th August 2024 | 10.30am-12.30pm or 1.30pm-3.30

Making animals in clay with Jo-Anna Duncalf


Students will learn all about clay and clay preparation. They will choose to make either a bird head, an elephant head or a pig head as a wall hanging. They will use oxides to colour it. The work will be fired when dry and could be collected from the RCA three weeks after the workshop.


Children will be making a clay animal by joining two thumb pots together and adding clay to create their chosen animals. Oxides will be used to add colour.

The work produced in both morning and afternoon sessions will be fired when dry and could be collected from the RCA three weeks after the workshop.

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