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Featuring 200 stunning pieces of artwork selected from over 600 entries.

Exhibition Dates
08/01/22 - 26/02/22

Every year, we invite members of the public to submit artwork to our renowned show. The exhibition celebrates a broad range of painting, drawing, print, photography, textiles, sculpture and film. Sucessful entrants come from across Wales, the UK and beyond - from Penmachno to Paris, from Newport to Norway.

This year, the judges were RCA President, printmaker, Ann Lewis; RCA vice-President, artist, Jeremy Yates; Director of Oriel Plas Glyn-y-Weddw Gwyn Jones; and sculptor, Diane Lawrenson RCA. The prize winners include:

  • Selectors' Prize £1,000, awarded by the Academy and Friends of the Royal Cambrian Academy of Art: Susie Koren "One Island Two Names"
  • Lawrenson Sculpture Award £500 bestowed by sculptor Diane Lawrenson RCA: Denis Curry ‘Cofeb Llewelyn’
  • People’s Choice Prize £100 - vote for your favourite artwork
Catherine Ade "What Are Your Dreams" Lithograph, 27 x 45cm £150
Emma Aldridge "Chester Cathedral Buff Quilt" Relief prints on mulberry paper with fagoted trim, 50 x 50cm £300
Jo Alexander "Kneeling" Pastel and ink, 57 x 40cm £500
Yvette Appleby "Alone in the Bath" Acrylic on card, 15 x 10cm £180
Yvette Appleby "The Kiss" Acrylic on cotton rag paper, 15 x 11cm £180
Nina Archer "Ridgeway I" Gesso acrylic and graphite on board in French grey hand painted frame, 25 x 50cm £400
Nina Archer "Ridgeway III" Gesso acrylic and graphite on board in French grey hand painted frame, 25 x 50 £400
Johnny Armstrong "Birch by Water Near Dollgellau" Photodigital print No. 1 of 20, 95 x 64cm £280
Susan Arney "Power" Acrylic, 38 x 90cm £550
Emil Atanasov "Holiday Memories Wales" Acrylic and oil, 35 x 45cm £1000
Glenn Badham "Totes Mire - After Paul Nash" Oil on canvas, 50 x 100 £2000
Katy Bailey "Looming" Pastel, 60 x 80cm £360

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