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Legacy Giving to the Royal Cambrian Academy of Art

We all desire for our lives to have a lasting impact. Legacy giving, also known as 'Planned Giving,' offers you the opportunity to leave a meaningful legacy by including a bequest to the Royal Cambrian Academy of Art (RCA) in your will, retirement planning, life assurance policy, or other assets.

By naming the RCA in your will or living trust, you can designate a specific amount of money or a percentage of your estate to support our mission. You can easily make this addition to your current will without rewriting it by adding a 'codicil.'

How to Leave a Legacy

Anyone can leave a legacy to support the RCA. Though discussing wills can be difficult, they are essential for planning your estate. By including a legacy donation to the RCA in your will, you contribute to the continued success and development of our academy.

Our Commitment to You

If you choose to bequeath to the RCA, we promise to use your gift wisely and effectively to support the future of the academy. Your legacy will help ensure the RCA continues to thrive for generations to come.

What Your Solicitor Needs

To include the RCA in your will, your solicitor will need our address and registered charity number. You can obtain this information by contacting the gallery at 01492 593413.

Types of Legacy Gifts

  • Residual Gift: A share of what is left in your estate once you have provided for your loved ones.
  • Pecuniary Gift: A fixed amount of money.

Your thoughtful contribution will make a significant impact on the future of the Royal Cambrian Academy of Art. Thank you for considering a legacy gift to support our work and ensure the arts continue to flourish.

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