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Invited to become a Member of the Royal Cambrian Academy in 2024

Mai Thomas is a Welsh artist who lives in the Ceiriog Valley near the North Welsh borders. She grew up on Ynys Môn which continues to influence her as an artist. She studied painting at the Royal College of Art, London and gained her PhD from The University of Wales in 2016.

She has exhibited her work in UK galleries and in a variety of outdoor contexts, often working directly in the natural landscape. Her work has been supported by, among others, the Arts Council of Wales and the Black Rock Arts Foundation.

The natural environment is her main influence. Whether she is, for example, painting the morning light on a hillside, weaving with natural materials or foraging to create pigments and dyes. She combines craft and fine art techniques to capture a sense of place and the presence of natural forms, often in fully immersive environments.

In addition to her art practice, she has considerable experience as a teacher and researcher. Community engagement and inclusion are at the core of her educational and arts engagement practice. She works with all ages in and beyond mainstream educational environments, encouraging hands on participation and learning together.


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