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Gwaith ar y Gweill Ffurfiau Naturiol Crete ac Ynys Mon - Work in Progress, Natural Forms Crete and Ynys Mon

Exhibition Dates
19/03/18 - 28/04/18

Upper Gallery

John’s work depicts the visual essence of the natural world we inhabit. His complex studies and interpretations of seemingly random forms in nature convey a sense of growth and timelessness. Through an evolving organic abstraction, the work focuses on the similarities between processes such as layering, corrosion and growth in nature and art.

Embedded within his work is a long-standing appreciation of the island cultures of Crete and Ynys Môn. The work acknowledges the similarities of the two islands and also takes inspiration from Greek icon painting and its relation to figuration and abstraction. The recent paintings have been made on native woods from both islands, sourced mainly from windfalls. His work is multifaceted, encompassing painting, 3D painting on wood, combined relief collage (using kozo paper rice paste and gouache) and intaglio prints. He also employs techniques that combine traditional intaglio printmaking alongside some photopolymer processes.

Thisexhibition is the fourth of five to showcase work produced as part of atwo-year project funded by the Arts Council of Wales, which will finish at the end of December 2018.

For more about the project and biography, visit

Darlunia gwaith John Hedley hanfodion gweledol y byd naturiol yr ydym yn byw ynddi. Llunia astudiaethau cymleth o ffurfiau natur, sydd er yn ymddangos yn, fympwyol, yn dal ac yn adlewyrchu`r grymoedd di-amser
sydd wrth wraidd datblygiad a thyfiant. Canolbwyntia ar greigiau a choed, a prif ffocws ei waith yn mynegi `r haenau a thrael a geid ym myd nature - a`r tebygrwydd a geid hefyd ym myd celf trwy datblygu haenau o liw. Mae`n cydnabod ei ddyled i draddodiad eiconau gwlad Groeg., wrth wthio`i gelfyddyd oddi wrth y ffigyrol tuag at yr haniaethol.

Mae`n llwyr gwerthfawrogi`r diwylliannau unigryw a geir yng Nghreta ac Ynys Mon ac yn cydnabod y tebygrwydd trawiadol sydd rhwng y ddwy ynys.. Cydnabu hefyd, ei ddyled i baentiadau eicon yng Ngwlad Groeg a fu`n ddylanwad arno. Yn ei gyfres o baentiadau diweddar, defnyddia goed o`r ddwy ynys, coed yn bennaf a ddymchwelwyd mewn gwyntoedd cryfion. Mae`I waith yn aml haenog, yn cynnwys paentiadau , gwaith tri-deimensiwn, collage a phrintiadau intaglio. Defnyddia cymysgiad o dechnegau traddodiadol ac arloesol, i gyrraedd canlyniadau cyffrous.

Dyma`r bedwerydd o bump arddangosfa o`i eiddo mewn prosiect dros ddwy flynedd a ariaqnnir gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru.

Am fwy o wybodaeth am y prosiect a'r bywgraffiad, ewch i

Thumbnail within the olive tree new
Thumbnail 37abstractions of treee canopy
Thumbnail corroded lime stone crete
Thumbnail growth newjpg
Thumbnail J Hedley Create Rock gouace and collage 01
Thumbnail 12 Silver Birch
Thumbnail Fvolution within the olive tree
Thumbnail J Hedley 1 olive tree trunk
Thumbnail Abstraction from Ynys Llanddwyn

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