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Colin See-Paynton RCA Ffin-y-Parc Exhibition

Colin See-Paynton RCA is exhibiting at Ffin-yParc until 30 March 2022.

Colin's engravings are detailed, complex and refined. His work is rooted in
meticulous observations and instinctive understanding of the landscape and wildlife around him, from which he creates compositions based on the
relationships and balances between the species and their habitats.

His connection with, and knowledge of his subject is obvious. The work has beauty and power; it is mystical and awesome. He reminds us of our connection with the natural world, our duty to respect and protect it. And to remember that without it we will perish.

Colin See-Paynton RCA Ffin-y-Parc Exhibition

Published: 15.03.2022 ( 3 years ago )


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