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    “My work is figurative and I hope expressive. I work in whatever medium seems necessary to the story I am telling.

    I paint in oil on canvas and paper, preferably on a large scale. I draw in a variety of media. Ink, pen and brush for instance is wonderfully unpredictable, sometimes telling me what will happen next.

    When needed, I have spent a great deal of time making woodcuts, a medium I approach in a fashion that would make many of my printmaker colleagues despair.

    In recent years I have become engrossed with creating environments, and installations, inhabited with small child size three dimensional figures made from painted tissue paper, delicate, vulnerable and yet surprisingly resilient. They are I suppose the more physical manifestation of my painted and drawn figures.

    These small characters appeared publicly for the first time at Mission Gallery, Swansea in 2012 in an installation with the title, Hortus Conclusus, The Enclosed Garden, in which I collaborated with my son Joseph Bayliss who produced sound and my friend the poet David Thomas.

    There is on reflection a “journey” taking place and I am sometimes the last one to know who the participants are, where they are going, or why? But they all seem strangely familiar to me.”

    Keith Bayliss is a Welsh visual artist. He has exhibited widely, both at home and abroad.

    He has created many significant arts projects, among them, the Ceri Richards Festivals and the visual artists programme for St David’s Festival, St.Davids. He was formerly a Community Arts Officer based at the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, before developing Keith Bayliss Arts Services as a free-lance facilitator, working with education, community and galleries

    He has devised and curated many exhibitions both at home and abroad, such as Intimate Portraits, Glynn Vivian Art Gallery and Mostyn, Dreaming Awake, Llantarnam Grange Arts Center and tour of the Czech Republic, The Visual Word, Mission Gallery, The Old Library Gallery, Cardiff as part of The Year of Literature and Invention, Imagination, Interpretation, Festival of Czech and Slovak Surrealism, Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Mission Gallery and Taliesin Arts Center.

    He has worked extensively as an artist in schools and has written articles for Barn magazine and Scholastic Publications. He has from the beginning of his arts practice, worked collaboratively with writers and poets, most notably with his friend and mentor, the writer Malcolm Parr, with White Voices/ La Croisade des Enfants, (Old Stile Press, 2001).

    He has collaborated with numerous poets including David Greenslade on two publications Weak Eros (Parthian,) and Zeus Amoeba (Two Rivers).


    Chwilio Safle
