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    Mwy am yr AFG

    Mae Academyddion Brenhinol Cymreig (Aelodau) yn arlunwyr, cerflunwyr, gwneuthurwyr printiau, ffotograffwyr a phenseiri gweithredol caiff eu henwebu gan eu cyfoedion yn dilyn proses dewis a dethol. Llywydd presennol yr Academi ydy Ann Lewis. Gallai hyd at 150 fod yn Academyddion ar unrhyw un adeg.

    Sefydlwyd yr Academi Frenhinol Gymreig ym 1881 ac fe dderbyniodd Siarter Frenhinol gan y Frenhines Victoria’r flwyddyn ganlynol. Erbyn hyn, mae’n ganolfan rhagoriaeth artistig yng Nghymru. Nodau’r Academi ydy: arddangos gwaith gan academyddion, hyrwyddo egin artistiaid o safon, cynnal arddangosfeydd hanesyddol a chynnig canolfan fywiog ac addysgiadol.

    Mae'r Oriel yng nhanol Conwy ychydig oddi ar y Stryd Fawr y tu ôl i Plas Mawr.

    A Legacy of Championing Welsh Art

    The RCA's story begins with a group of artists inspired by the dramatic landscapes of North Wales. In the late 19th century, they established themselves in the Conwy Valley, culminating in the formation of the Cambrian Academy of Art in 1881. Queen Victoria's royal patronage in 1882 cemented the Academy's role in promoting Welsh artistic excellence. You can find out more about our history here

    Building on a Rich Artistic Heritage

    The Royal Cambrian Academy has proudly evolved since its founding. Eminent Welsh artist Sir Kyffin Williams, who served as president during the 1990s, actively expanded the membership to encompass a wider range of artistic voices from across Wales. Today, the Academy is led by its first woman president, printmaker Ann Lewis, elected in 2020, a far cry from the early 'men only' days.

    A Vibrant Future for Welsh Art

    The RCA offers a bustling exhibition program alongside an extensive and lively education program. Looking forward, the RCA remains dedicated to fostering artistic talent in Wales, providing a platform for established and emerging artists, and ensuring that Welsh art continues to thrive for generations to come.

    Your Support Makes a Difference

    As a registered charity, the RCA relies on the generosity of visitors and art enthusiasts like you to continue our mission. Your donations enable us to host exciting exhibitions, offer inspiring workshops, and nurture the next generation of Welsh artists. Consider making a donation today and help us keep Welsh creativity flourishing. You can easily make a donation here.

    Chwilio Safle
