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    Kim has lived on Ynys Enlli and on Pen Llŷn for many years. She has a degree in Fine Art and an MA in Natural History Illustration (Royal College) and has taught many workshops and was a tutor on the Bangor University Lifelong Learning Fine Art Degree course. Her work appears in several publications and is exhibited in UK and overseas. She is a member of Society of Wildlife Artists and was involved in many projects with Artists for Nature Foundation.

    “Drawing and painting are a continuation of looking, for me, and the garden, fields, cliffs and shore close to home are my habitat. I fold simple concertina sketchbooks which fill with daily paintings and drawings, particularly of the sea and sky, using gouache mostly. I make more resolved work outside of things seen and also of sounds – birds, insects, wind and weather. In the studio themes are developed through monoprint, relief print and mixed media.

    Artwork jostles along with gardening and managing our small haymeadow grown for hay for ewes but mainly for invertebrates, and birds which feed on them. These appear in many of my paintings.”

    Chwilio Safle
