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    Ceri Thomas VPRCA in conversation with Kathryn Campbell Dodd at Llandeilo Lit Fest

    Ceri Thomas, Vice President of the Royal Cambrian Academy of Art, will be in conversation with artist and National Trust officer Kathryn Campbell Dodd at Newton House, Llandeilo Lit Fest

    Ceri Thomas VPRCA in conversation with Kathryn Campbell Dodd at Llandeilo Lit Fest

    Published: 26.04.2024 ( 10 months ago )

    The story of two of Wales’ pioneering art curators of the 1950s and 1960s. David Bell and Kathleen Armistead worked at Swansea’s Glynn Vivian Art Gallery. The important roles they played in establishing and developing Wales’ contemporary art scene are explored by art historian Dr Ceri Thomas. He will be discussing his book with artist and National Trust arts programme officer Kathryn Campbell Dodd.

    • Friday, 26 April 2024
    • 13:30 14:30
    • Newton HouseLlandeilo, Wales,

    For more information visit https://www.llandeilolitfest.o...


    Chwilio Safle
